The Will
Lydia Malone was the only person in Josephine Malone's life who she could love and rely on, and she learnt this the hard way early in her life. Lydia Malone was her grandmother. Josephine adopted a disguise out of need, unconsciously and extremely successfully, in order to keep everyone else at distance. She traveled the world and lived on the periphery of the fashion and music elites, but she maintained a professional distance from them. While Josephine was traveling the world, former boxer Jake Spear was living in Lydia's hometown, which was a short distance away. When it came to Jake, there was nothing ambiguous about him. This included the fact that he had a bad habit of making poor decisions about who he should express his affection to. However, there was one individual who genuinely cared for Josephine and Jake. There was one individual who understood how to guide them to happiness. There was also one individual who was determined to carry it out. If it meant fulfilling her ultimate wish on this planet, she'd do it.
Duration: 106