Kidnap Capital
Imagine leaving whatever you have, every one you know, everybody you like, behind. Needing to cross a continent atop freight trains. Swimming across rivers. Crossing borders illegally. Walking across the Arizona desert. Being shot at, robbed and beaten. Raped. Surviving it all. Crossing after lifetime from the poorest parts of Central America, into the United States. Succeeding. Now. At the"promised" property, you don't be long, legally. Or socially. You never know the speech. Nobody knows you arrived, nobody knows you exist. Imagine.... Being nobody. Imagine a bag being shoved over your face. Getting the clothes stripped out of you. Getting chucked in a room with a couple others. There is A gun pointed at your face. You're made to call back and beg a ransom for the own life, for money.
Released: 2016-04-24