Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales
If Bugs Bunny were to direct his signature inquiry--"What's up, doc?" --toward the modern-day Warner Bros. creative team, howevern't be far off. They bundled them near seamlessly, into a feature-length film and've doctored up a lot of classic animations featuring his comrades and the carrot muncher. Here is the premise: both book salesmen, Daffy and Bugs, are currently still competing to offer the copies of a kiddies' novel. Instead of burrowing a beeline to his sales land (he should've left a left at Albuquerque), Bugs eventually ends up at the castle of Yosemite Sam, here a harem-leading honcho. The pain-in-the-spurs son, Prince Abalaba of sam, needs some one to see his tales. Bugs, who would earlier take the occupation than suffer signs on.
Released: 1982-11-16